




It was on March 10th of this year, the very moment my dome tour came to an end. It was at that moment that I felt like my music had finally reached a certain goal of mine that I had been pursuing since my first album, “Baka no Uta.” I poured all my energy into producing the album “Pop Virus,” so when I finally finished the five dome tours of the same name, I felt an intense sense of accomplishment and happiness, along with a sense that my personal “mode” of doing things had changed, as if a lever had just been switched to the “ON” position inside my brain with a clank.   Up until now, I had this strong belief that I always had to make my own music. Music that takes influences from all genres of music but never imitates them. Music that has been forced through a unique filter made from my own Japanese upbringing and my experiences. Music that could only ever have been made by Gen Hoshino. That’s why I produced, wrote, composed, and arranged my music alone, never collaborating with anyone.  However, suddenly, like a gust of fresh air, that belief had gone with the wind, replaced by thoughts of a different kind. “I want to make music with others.” “On top of my own filter, I want to pile on the filters of those I love, and let the music just flow through.”   Meeting all kinds of people is the future. Having met all kinds of wonderful people, I’ve carved out a path to that future. From now on, I want to tear down the walls separating people from their neighbors and sweep away the lines that separate countries, so that no matter if it’s in Japan or anywhere else in the world, anyone can feel like they’re right at home. And I want to play music -- genuine and pure -- wherever this “home” can be found. Right now, this is what I really want to do. I want to create music that embodies bringing people together.  For me, my new EP ‘Same Thing’ is a form of play, a challenge, and a musician’s battle cry all wrapped in one. They are four of my finest songs, recorded with an almost frightening amount of excitement while thinking to myself, “To think that there was still more fun to be had in being a musician!” Look forward to their release!  #SameThing #genhoshino

Gén Hoshino 星野源さん(@iamgenhoshino)がシェアした投稿 -


『Same Thing』EPのこと。  今年の3月10日、ドームツアーが終わったその瞬間。1stアルバム『ばかのうた』の制作からずっと続いてきた自分の音楽が、一つのゴールを迎えた感覚になりました。それまでの活動すべてを注ぎ込んだアルバム『POP VIRUS』の制作、その名を冠した5大ドームツアーをすべてやりきった瞬間、強烈な達成感や嬉しさと共に、自分のモードがガチャリと音を立てて変化するのを感じました。  今まで、様々な音楽に影響を受けながらも真似ではない、日本人である自分のフィルターをしっかり通した「星野源の音楽を作る」という強い想いがありました。だからプロデュースも、作詞・作曲・編曲もすべて自分一人でやって来ましたし、コラボレーションも一切やってきませんでした。  それが、なんだか新しい風が吹くようにふと、「人と一緒に音楽を作りたい」「自分のフィルターと、愛する誰かのフィルターを重ね、そこに音楽を流し込みたい」。そんな想いに変化したのです。  出会いとは未来です。様々な素晴らしい人と出会うことで、僕は未来を切り開いて来ました。これからはさらにそこから国の壁をなくし、日本も世界も関係なく“近所”にする。そしてそこで純粋な音楽を奏でる。これが僕の今やりたいことです。出会いと繋がりの音楽を生み出していきたい。  『Same Thing』というEPは僕にとって、遊びであり、挑戦であり、音楽家としての叫びです。恐ろしいほどのワクワク感と共に「音楽人生、まだこんなに面白いことがあるのか」と楽しい刺激を常に感じながら制作した最高の4曲です。お楽しみに。  #SameThing #星野源

Gén Hoshino 星野源さん(@iamgenhoshino)がシェアした投稿 -


Gen Hoshino “Same Thing” Teaser Link in Bio

Gén Hoshino 星野源さん(@iamgenhoshino)がシェアした投稿 -


世界一のギタリスト #長岡亮介 The world’s best guitarist

Gén Hoshino 星野源さん(@iamgenhoshino)がシェアした投稿 -


I am Gen Hoshino

Gén Hoshino 星野源さん(@iamgenhoshino)がシェアした投稿 -


平沢和重 #いだてん

Gén Hoshino 星野源さん(@iamgenhoshino)がシェアした投稿 -



Gén Hoshino 星野源さん(@iamgenhoshino)がシェアした投稿 -


Memories of L.A. 3

Gén Hoshino 星野源さん(@iamgenhoshino)がシェアした投稿 -



Gén Hoshino 星野源さん(@iamgenhoshino)がシェアした投稿 -



星野源さんのInstagramのログ【2019/09/16-09/25】   この投稿をI ...



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